As we grow our business and fulfil our customers’ requirements for tower locations, we are acutely mindful of our responsibility to a wide range of stakeholders to minimise environmental, social and cultural impact while safely delivering the connectivity which is so vital for the economic advancement of communities where we operate. We have put in place a robust environment and social management system at the centre of which are policies and reporting frameworks to ensure our business development and operations are delivered in accordance with the highest global standards. This culture of excellence is driven both by us and by the requirements of our investor stakeholders for alignment with IFC performance standards and guidance.   Our Code of Conduct is central to developing and maintaining a culture of ethical excellence and fair dealings in a safe operating environment for our stakeholders – workers, customers, vendors and local communities. Through the framework of our environment and social management system we will continuously monitor and develop our Code of Conduct and our policies and processes which underpin it as we grow our business and expand our team. Our commitment is subject to constant monitoring through key performance indicators and reported to our investor stakeholders.

Our responsibilities to our people and the communities in which we operate are of the utmost importance to us. Our management team are proud of their record of nurturing local staff and supporting them in the realisation of their potential in the key functions across our operations in the communities where they live. Our people recognise the importance for compliance with the highest health and safety standards to protect our people, our vendors and the communities in which we operate and are proud to be part of an organisation fulfilling global standards of governance and sustainability.


Sustainable development is a key focus for world economies. The services we provide contribute directly to data connectivity for consumers which itself is a key building block of sustainable economic development. Our build to suit business model means that we can make sure all the equipment we procure and install on our sites employs the most advanced technologies in production for optimising energy consumption, emissions, safety and noise reduction thereby minimising both carbon footprint, the potential impact on the local environment and ensuring the safety of local communities.